Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tea Party

            I can not help but notice the tea party (affectionately referred to as tea baggers by most lol) every time I watch CNN or MSNBC ( rarely watch FOX as they do not even try with their bullshit).  It seem to me that this movement is composed of people who seem to hate intelligence.  Just look at some of their big political faces.  You have Michelle Bachmann, a tax lawyer who surprised all every time she opens her mouth.  Luckily, she is very low in the polls or we could be faced with the possibility of a president who thinks that you can "pray the gay away". Personally, I would prefer a candidate who did not believe in an imaginary sky friend, but that is a pipe dream. She is also one of these candidates that makes serious errors when they speak.  Bachmann, when asked about Paul Revere, did not seem to know who the man was.  I found this interesting as she represents a group that claims to be very close to the "founding fathers".  While Revere may not have been one of them, you would think someone who invokes revolutionary history as often as she does would be well versed in it. When asked about the mistake, instead of admitting she made an error she defended what she said.  No wonder she is religious!
            You also have Herman Cain. Recently, this pizza chain CEO and tea party favorite has taken a lead in the republican nomination race.  While he is much better than a Bachmann or a Perry, he is simply another businessman who wants the country to be run in the same fashion. He recently said people should blame themselves if they are not wealthy.  He also proposes a 9-9-9 tax that would actually decrease government tax revenue.  While I am all about pizza, I can not agree with many of the things he says. he seems like the republican's minority representative, a wealthy business owner who just happens to be black.
               What bothers me most about this tea party movement is that it preys upon the least informed citizens who are mostly angry at the economy. Unfortunately, following a group of useless reactionaries will not improve anything about this country's economic situation. It makes sens that those who flock to the tea party are Christians as they are the most easily fooled.  One  has only to invoke God or say President Obama is a Muslim  (which he is not, remember Reverend Wright? Can't be a Muslim then have a Christian Reverend!) to win points with this group. I often wish for an end to monotheism just to clear up little problems like this.
                 It amazes me that anyone who is young or educated even identifies with the republicans, much less the tea party. When I see a young person supporting the GOP simply because they have an evangelical base makes me sick. I mean, I understand why the wealthy like the republicans. After all, the rich worship money as their deity. Ironically, our money seems to be headed in a direction that will make it about as tangible as the Christian imaginary sky man. It seems that those who identify with the republicans seek something that is imaginary or impossible.  For example, many believe in imaginary sky friends in the form of a God.  In addition, many have said they want the country to be 1950 again (because the fifties was so great!lol. giving us the military industrial complex and wives on Valium).  These two things are not part of reality. In another ironic twist, a return to an idyllic an mythical past is something that was once used to enamor another strong and industrious people.  As many of us know, the Third Reich was active in promoting a return to an idyllic German past that did not actually exist. This can be seen in the art and film of the time, which was heavily influenced by medieval themes and Wagnerian operas. One can only wonder how this return to an idyllic and imaginary 1950's will manifest itself. Hopefully, the tea party will not be allowed to take it that far.

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